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One can brood a mood.

Once if one realizes that one's conscious mind can read its unconscious mind, one can learn to control the emotion.

John D. Rockefeller is well known for his calmness, concealing any emotion which is his most well-known and enduring strength in his dealing of the business, a work he had passion for. I am the opposite. Passion has distracting effect, which can be good in idealist sense but doesn't suit so well for works. Okay, I admit that is also an excuse since it is not my passion but my lack of goal, determination, focus, fear, persistence and a long list going on and on (I seem to process all the sins). So, regardless, I need a change.

In meditation, people may have different interpretation in what sense it relates our outer consciousness with inner self caused by the constant external events. It does have one prospect that can enlighten everyone, that is we shouldn't pretend the externals are not there or freak out about them, but to manage emotion not for a rush reaction, deaing them more objectively with calmness and tranquility. It is not dealing of itself but the approach of dealing.

Passion is also advantage of me and my favorite part of life so far. If I treat it objectively, I can brood mood objectively when I want one but not consumed by it. I particularly find it successful if I can entice myself into emotion through music, and I have hundreds of thousands music to choose from. So, for now, I should worry less about losing my core part of self-identity, but focus on controlling emotion to put it into prospect. Brooding when time is ripe.






105篇文章 3年前更新

