财新传媒 财新传媒



Our mind is genetically confined and is constantly manipulated by our surrounding. It is known whatever we have done renders meaningless, endurance, emotion, greed, desire and even the very being itself. A popular saying is that “to make this life count”. In other words, to live is the first genetic wire built in our biological system. It is a puppet show, and it’s a hard contradiction for we do and why we do, which is the very reason the world is so ruthless but emotional. We cannot explain our own meaning of existence and call for a God since we are clueless in this vicious and generational cycle for a purpose which has no purpose.


A philosopher, a pure one, is very likely not being married. If a person keeps asking the question why in its most sincere form, it can become ‘lazy’ to bother as participant but rather staying as an observer. Its logic would never be complete, constantly challenged by the history. Nevertheless, they unearthed a certain shred of truth which work as watershed and prelude of each new era.


A philosopher is also wired to our genetic deception (our seven sins) in every way as everyone else. Their theories even further advance our consciousness of such a genetic deception, becoming more aware of ironic existence of the human in the universe. Essentially, the consciousness seeds all our troubles.

All philosophers are, on the one hand, well-aware of the relationship between our consciousness and the inertia of the universe (genetic inherence), but on the other, they have little idea to deal with the real world issues which are in every sense a world no difference whatsoever with the doing of any other animals or any matters. Why look for a reason to get married when there is no difference from one to another. For anyone else, including these philosophers, the hope is always there. We only live once, and make it counts.






105篇文章 3年前更新

